国际应用心理学会(IAAP)、国际消费者研究会(ACR)、中国心理学会、浙江省科普联合会、杭州青年科技工作者协会等会员,Psychology & Marketing, Personality and Individual Differences, IEEE VR (CCF-A)等匿名审稿人。
Coffee-like scent and consumption
Working paper
Red, rather than blue can promote fairness in decision-making
Working paper
Emoji location effect in advertising design
Working paper
How consumers respond to virtual advertising?
Working paper 中国经济心理学年会 优秀论文
Feeling younger and consumption
Working paper
Xu, M., Liu, X., & Li, O. (corresponding). (2024) . Can intelligent manufacturing drive green development in China’s pharmaceutical industry? - Evidence from listed enterprises.
Energy, 132953.
Li, O., Su, W., & Shi, Y. (2024) . Using Virtual Reality to Promote Pro-environmental Consumption.
IEEE VR, CCF-A类. MSI 2024 优秀论文
Li, O., Pan, Z., Qiu, H., & Qian, D. (2024) . Put Yourself in the Donee’s Shoes: How Virtual Reality Can Increase Effectiveness of Prosocial Advertising.
Journal of Advertising Research, 64(3), 1-16.
Qian, D., Yan, H., Pan, L., & Li, O. (corresponding). (2023). Bring it on! Package shape signaling dominant male body promotes healthy food consumption for male consumers.
Psychology & Marketing, 40(8), 1451-1465.
李欧, 裘涵, & 潘志庚. (2023). 元宇宙推动慈善捐赠的进展与心理路径.
心理技术与应用, 11(7), 406-413.
Li, O., & Qiu, H. (2023) . Virtual reality in supporting charitable giving: The role of vicarious experience, existential guilt, and need for stimulation.
Shi, Y., Zou, B., Wang, C. L., & Li, O.,. (2022). Spurring innovation through intentional organizational crisis: the moderating effects of past performance and resources allocation capability.
European Journal of Innovation Management, accepted.
Li, O., & Qian, D. (2022). An analysis of the relationship between risk perceptions and willingness-to-pay for commodities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Journal of Consumer Affairs, 56(1), 257-275. Wiley高被引论文
Li, O., & Zhao, C. (2021). How the COVID-19 pandemic influences judgements of risk and benefit: The role of affect heuristics.
Journal of Risk Research, 24(3-4), 466-476.
于艺凝, 李欧(共同一作), & 汪蕾*. (2021). 支付效应的理论机制及影响因素.
应用心理学, 27(1), 84-89. CSSCI来源期刊.
Qian, D., & Li, O. (corresponding). (2020).The Relationship between Risk Event Involvement and Risk Perception during the COVID-19 Outbreak in China.
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, 12(4), 983-999.
[WEB] Altmetric score 93, high attention, in the top 5%
Yang, Y. K., Li, O. (co-first), Peng, X. X., & Wang, L* (2020). Consumption trends during the COVID-19 crisis: How awe, coping, and social norms drive utilitarian purchases.
Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 749.
Wang, L.*, Yu, Y. N., & Li, O. (2020). The typeface curvature effect: The role of typeface curvature in increasing preference towards hedonic products.
Psychology & Marketing, 37(8), 1118-1137.
Wang, L.* Yu, Y. N. & Li, O. (2020). The cross-modal interaction between sound frequency and color saturation on consumer’s product size perception, preference and purchase.
Psychology & Marketing, 37(7), 876-899.
Wang, L.* & Li, O. (2020). Effect of background colors on hedonic consumption.
Psych Journal, 8(4), 522-52.
Li, O., Xu, F.*, & Wang, L.* (2018). Advantageous inequity aversion does not always exist: the role of determining allocations modulates preferences for advantageous inequity.
Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 749.
[WEB] Altmetric score 14, high attention, in the top 20%
徐富明*, 李欧. (2017). 齐差求辨出决策,避繁就简成判断——评《决策心理:齐当别之道》.
应用心理学, 23(1), 92-96. CSSCI来源期刊.
徐富明*, 李欧, 李彬, 刘程浩, 张慧. (2016). 概率水平与模糊性对短视损失规避的影响.
心理科学, 39(6), 1366-1372. 中文一级,CSSCI来源期刊.
李欧, 徐富明*, 邓颖, 刘程浩, 史燕伟. (2016). 最后通牒博弈中个体差异和种族文化差异.
心理科学, 39(3), 693-699. 中文一级,CSSCI来源期刊.
徐富明*, 李欧, 邓颖, 刘程浩, 史燕伟. (2016). 行为经济学中的不平等规避.
心理科学进展, 24(10), 1613-1622. 中文一级,CSSCI来源期刊.
徐富明*, 李欧, 邓颖, 李燕, 史燕伟. (2016). 判断与决策中的投射偏差.
心理科学进展, 24(3), 422-430. 中文一级,CSSCI来源期刊.
徐富明*, 蒋多, 张慧, 李欧, 孔诗晓, 史燕伟. (2016). 心理距离对基线比例忽略的影响.
心理学报, 48(10), 1292-1301. 中文权威,CSSCI来源期刊.
徐富明*, 李欧, 邓颖, 刘程浩, 于会会. (2016). 概率组合与警告类型对合取谬误的影响.
心理研究, 9(1), 60-65. CSSCI来源期刊扩展版.
徐富明*, 李欧, 邓颖, 李彬. (2016). 投资决策中的短视损失规避.
心理研究, 9(3), 3-9. CSSCI来源期刊扩展版.
徐富明*, 李欧, 邓颖, 刘程浩, 吴修良. (2015). 情绪的确定性维度对风险偏好的影响.
应用心理学, 21(4), 325-333. CSSCI来源期刊
国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2018~2022.
国家自然科学基金面上项目. 2021~2025.
[Dec. 2020] 浙江大学竺可桢奖学金. 浙江大学学生最高荣誉,当年人文社会科学院系唯一获奖者.
[Dec. 2019] 第五届浙江大学学生人文社会科学优秀成果奖. 特等奖.
[Oct. 2016, Oct. 2018, Oct. 2019] 国家奖学金.
[Nov. 2020] 第五届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛. 全国金奖、省金奖.
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游戏设计师勾引玩家的“独门秘术”. 大众心理学. [WEB]
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